not so (much) ... as ... 这一结构不少见,但我始终没搞明白这种说法的构成思路。以下句为例:He thought his sin was not so much stealing the money as it was getting caught. 请教各...
回复(50) 2017-07-08 19:31 来自版块 - 英语交流 | English
天上的狮子后半句,其实是和前半句各部相对应而对称的,即: it was getting caught 因此,偶仍然觉得,这里it对应stealing the money逻辑上不通。 因为偶们省略前半句修饰语,那么是这样的: His sin was not stealing the mon...(2017-07-31 00:28)
天上的狮子于是,偶们来看主题的前半句: His sin was not so much stealing the money 略去修饰语not so much,成为His sin was stealing the money(他的罪过是偷钱) 添加修饰成分: His sin was n...(2017-07-31 00:22)
天上的狮子He is from the very beginning a farmer (不过,这句中的介宾结构修饰语通常选择后置于系表结构后)(2017-07-31 00:15)
天上的狮子be not somuch a farmer(并不怎么是农民,不怎么算是农民)(2017-07-31 00:11)
天上的狮子由上面的比较例句可以看出,is 和表语之间的内容,本质上是修饰动词(这里是be动词第三人称单数现在时)的,说得宽泛点,是通过后置修饰be动词从而实现修饰be a farmer整个短语了。 即: be a farmer(是农民) be so much a farmer(真是个农...(2017-07-31 00:09)
天上的狮子He is nevertheless a farmer(2017-07-31 00:04)
天上的狮子His nevertheless(2017-07-31 00:04)
天上的狮子He is also a farmer He is still a farmer(2017-07-31 00:03)
天上的狮子再比如: He is so much a farmer (即,not so much的肯定式)(2017-07-31 00:02)
天上的狮子He is not so much a farmer(2017-07-30 23:52)
