How to shop in Portuguese Hey, everybody!Here are some very useful and interesting sentences and expressions for you to use.Pois não? – How ...
回复(43) 2016-07-01 13:40 来自版块 - 葡萄牙语 | Portuguese | Português
ask Pois não? – How can I help you? Well, hope you have a good time shopping! Tenham um ótimo fim de semana! 你觉得他整理得不错在哪里?上面这些内容能对上吗?(2016-07-01 14:48)
jennifer0168 A English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. 我覺得他整理得不錯, 所以貼給大家分享交流, 對跟我一樣-正在學習的人, 應該可以用得上. 希望對大家有幫助 ~(2016-07-01 14:32)
askPois não? – How can I help you? Well, hope you have a good time shopping! Tenham um ótimo fim de semana! -------------- 这谁写的?旅游手册还是正式教科书...(2016-07-01 14:18)
