
[资源分享]《葡-英-汉(在线)词典》的条目超过 51000 个

更多 发布于:2021-04-26 22:50

geocêntrico (a) geocentric | 以地球为中心的 [+]
geocentrismo (m) geocentrism | 地球中心说 [+]
geociência (f) geoscience | 地球科学 [+]
geocientífico (a) geoscientific | 地球科学的 [+]
geocientista (m|f) geoscientist | 地球科学家 [+]
geocronologia (f) geochronology | 地质年代学 [+]
geocronológico (a) geochronological | 地质年代学的 [+]
geocronologista (m|f) geochronologist | 地质年代学家 [+]
geode (m) geode | 晶洞 [+]
geodésia (f) geodesy | 大地测量学 [+]
geodésico (a, m) geodesic, geodesist | 大地测量学的,大地测量学家 [+]
geodético (a) geodetic | 大地测量学的 [+]
geodinâmica (f) geodynamics | 地球动力学 [+]
geodinâmico (a) geodynamic | 地球动力学的 [+]
geoestacionário (a) geostationary | 与地球同步的 [+]
geofagia (f) geophagy | 食土癖 [+]
geofágico (a, m) geophagic, geophagist | 食土癖的,食土癖者 [+]
geófago (m) geophagist | 食土癖者 [+]
geofísica (f) geophysics | 地球物理学 [+]
geofísico (a, m) geophysical, geophysicist | 地球物理学的,地球物理学家 [+]
geognosia (f) geognosy | 地球构造学 [+]
geognosista (m|f) geognosist | 地球构造学家 [+]
geognóstico (a) geognostic | 地球构造学的 [+]
geografia (f) geography | 地理学 [+]
geográfico (a) geographical | 地理学的 [+]
geógrafo (m) geographer | 地理学家 [+]
geologia (f) geology | 地质学 [+]
geológico (a) geological | 地质学的 [+]
geólogo (m) geologist | 地质学家 [+]
geomagnético (a) geomagnetic | 地磁的 [+]
geomagnetismo (m) geomagnetism | 地磁 [+]
geomancia (f) geomancy | 泥土占卜 [+]
geomântico (a, m) geomantic, geomancer | 泥土占卜的,泥土占卜者 [+]
geômetra (m|f) geometer | 几何学家 [+]
geometral (a) geometric | 几何学的 [+]
geometria (f) geometry | 几何学 [+]
geométrico (a) geometric | 几何学的 [+]
geometrídeo (m) geometrid | 尺蠖 [+]
geometrização (f) geometrization | 几何化 [+]
geometrizar (v) geometrize | 几何化 [+]
geomorfologia (f) geomorphology | 地貌学 [+]
geomorfológico (a) geomorphological | 地貌学的 [+]
geomorfologista (m|f) geomorphologist | 地貌学家 [+]
geopolítica (f) geopolitics | 地缘政治学 [+]
geopolítico (a, m) geopolitical, geopolitician | 地缘政治学的,地缘政治学家 [+]
geoquímica (f) geochemistry | 地球化学 [+]
geoquímico (a, m) geochemical, geochemist | 地球化学的,地球化学家 [+]
Georgetown (n) Georgetown | 乔治敦(圭亚那) [+]
Geórgia (f) Georgia | 格鲁吉亚 [+]
georgiano (a, m) Georgian | 格鲁吉亚的,格鲁吉亚人,格鲁吉亚语 [+]
geórgica (f) georgic | 田园诗 [+]
geórgico (a) georgic | 田园的 [+]
geosfera (f) geosphere | 岩石圈 [+]
geosférico (a) geospheric | 岩石圈的 [+]
geotermia (f) geothermy | 地热 [+]
geotérmico (a) geothermic | 地热的 [+]
geotrópico (a) geotropic | 向地的 [+]
geotropismo (m) geotropism | 向地性 [+]


Daniel离昧Daniel... izardizard iMjmJ.Com小爱卖家iMjmJ.... amigoamigo
发布于:2021-07-04 15:36
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发布于:2021-07-04 15:32
distal (a) distal | 末梢的 [+]
distância (f) distance | 距离 [+]
distanciamento (m) placing at a distance | 保持一定距离 [+]
distanciar (v) place at a distance | 保持一定距离 [+]
distanciômetro (m) range finder | 测距仪 [+]
distante (a) distant | 遥远的 [+]
distar (v) be distant | 有距离 [+]
distender (v) distend | 膨胀 [+]
disténio (m) disthene | 蓝晶石 [+]
distensão (f) distension | 膨胀 [+]
distensor (a, m) distending, distender | 膨胀的,膨胀器 [+]
dístico (a, m) distichous, distich | 二列的,对联 [+]
distinção (f) distinction | 区别 [+]
distinguibilidade (f) distinguishability | 可区别性 [+]
distinguidor (a, m) distinguishing, distinguisher | 区别的,区别者 [+]
distinguir (v) distinguish | 区别 [+]
distinguível (a) distinguishable | 可区别的 [+]
distintivo (a) distinctive | 区别的 [+]
distinto (a) distinct | 有区别的 [+]
distomatose (f) distomiasis | 双盘吸虫病 [+]
distonia (f) dystonia | 肌张力障碍 [+]
distônico (a, m) dystonic | 肌张力障碍的,肌张力障碍者 [+]
distopia (f) dystopia | 反面乌托邦 [+]
distópico (a) dystopian | 反面乌托邦的 [+]
distorção (f) distortion | 歪曲 [+]
distorcer (v) distort | 歪曲 [+]
distorcional (a) distortional | 歪曲的 [+]
distração (f) distraction | 分散注意力 [+]
distraído (a, m) absent-minded, absent-minded man | 心不在焉的,心不在焉者 [+]
distraimento (m) distraction | 分散注意力 [+]
distrair (v) distract | 分散注意力 [+]
distratar (v) annul | 废除 [+]
distrate (m) annulment | 废除 [+]
distrativo (a) distractive | 分散注意力的 [+]
distrato (m) annulment | 废除 [+]
distribuição (f) distribution | 分配 [+]
distribuidor (a, m) distributory, distributor | 分配的,分配者 [+]
distribuir (v) distribute | 分配 [+]
distributivo (a) distributive | 分配的 [+]
distrital (a) of district | 地区的 [+]
distrito (m) district | 地区 [+]
distrofia (f) dystrophy | 营养不良 [+]
distrófico (a, m) dystrophic | 营养不良的,营养不良者 [+]
disturbar (v) disturb | 打扰 [+]
distúrbio (m) disturbance | 打扰 [+]
