
[资源分享]Latin Roots

更多 发布于:2012-11-30 10:34
1. A, ab-away, from, by
2. Acer, acris-sharp, keen, fierce; Acerbus-bitter, sharp, tart; Acetum-vinegar;
3. Ad-to, toward, near, at
4. Aedes-temple, house
5. Aequus-equal
6. Aestimo, aestimare, aestimavi, aestimatum-fix the value of, estimate,
7. Aevum-time, life, age, generation; Aetas-age; Aeternus-eternal; Aion (Gr.)-age  
8. Ager, agri-field, country; Agros (Gr.)-field; Agrios (Gr.)-wild
9. Ago, agere, egi, actum-do, drive, act; Cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum-
think, consider, ponder
10. Aio, ait-say
11. Albus-white
12. Alo, alere, alui, altum-feed, nourish, cause to grow; Altus-high, deep, grown
13. Alter-another, other, second; Alius-other
14. Ambi-both, around
15. Ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum-walk, go around
16. Amicus-friend
17. Amo, amare, amavi, amatum-to love; Amor-love
18. Amplus-large, wide
19. Angulus-angle, corner; Ankylos (Gr.)-bent, crooked
20. Anima-soul, breath; Animus-rational soul, will, courage, anger, pride, life
21. Annus-year
22. Ante-before
23. Antiquus-old
24. Anxius-worried, uneasy; Angustus-narrow; Ango, angere, anxi, anctum-  
      choke, strangle distress, torment; Ankhone (Gr.)-a strangling
25. Aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum-open
26. Aptus-suitable, fit, attached
27. Aqua-water
28. Arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum-think, judge
29. Arbor-tree
30. Arca-chest, coffer; Arceo, arcere, arcui-enclose, confine; Exerceo, exercere,  
      exercui, exercitum-train, exercise, drill
31. Arcus-bow
32. Ardeo, ardere, arsi-burn, be on fire; Aridus-dry
33. Arma-arms, weapons
34. Ars, artis-craft, skill
35. Asper-rough
36. Ater, atra-black
37. Audio, audire, audivi, auditum-hear
38. Augeo, augere, auxi, auctum-to increase; Augur-diviner; Auxanein (Gr.)-to  
39. Auris-ear; Ausculto, auscultare, auscultavi, auscultatum-listen to
40. Aurum-gold
41. Aveo, avere-be eager or anxious, desire, yearn
42. Avis-bird
43. Avunculus-maternal uncle; Avus-grandfather
44. Bacillus-rod
45. Barba-beard
46 .Barra-rail, barrier, bar
47. Bassus-low, short
48  Battuo, battuere-beat, pound
49. Bellum-war
50. Bellus-pretty, handsome, charming
51. Bene-well
52. Bestia-beast
53. Bibo, bibere, bibi-drink
54. Bis-twice; Bini-two by two, two each
55. Bonus-good
56. Bracchium-arm; Brachion (Gr.)-shorter, upper arm; Brachys (Gr.)-short
57. Brevis-short
58. Brocca-a pointed stick, spike
59. Bucca-cheek
60. Bulla-bubble, round object
61. Burgus-fortified place
62. Bursa-bag, purse; Bursarius-pursekeeper, treasurer; Bursa (Gr.)-hide, skin,  
63. Buscus-bush, wood
64. Caballus-horse
65. Cado, cadere, cecidi, casum-fall
66. Caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum-cut, kill; Caesar, Caesaris-Caesar
67. Caelum-sky; Caeruleus-blue
68. Calco, calcare, calcavi, calcatum-tread underfoot, track; Calx, calcis-heel
69. Caleo, calere, calui-to be warm, hot; Calidus-warm; Calor-heat
70. Calo, calare, calavi, calatum-announce, summon, convoke; Kalendae-first  
      day of the month
71. Calumnior, calumniari, calumniatus sum-contrive false accusations, find    
      fault Calx, calcis-limestone
72. Camera-room, chamber
73.Cambio, cambiare-to exchange
74. Campus-field
75. Cancer-lattice
76. Cancer, cancri-crab, cancer, tumor; Karkinos (Gr.)-crab, cancer
77. Candeo, candere, candui-be of brilliant whiteness, shine, be hot; Incendo,  
      incendere, incendi, incensum-set fire to
78. Canis-dog
79. Cano, canere, cecini, cantum-sing
80. Caper, capri-goat
81. Capillus-hair
82. Capio, capere, cepi, captum-take, seize; Capsa-container, box, case
83. Cappa-hood, hooded cloak
84. Caput, capitis-head
85. Carbo, carbonis-charcoal, glowing coal; Cremo, cremare, cremavi,  
      crematum-to burn
86. Caro, carnis-flesh
87. Carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptum-pick, pluck, cull; Karpos (Gr.)-fruit
88. Carrus-wagon, cart
89. Carus-dear; Caritas-affection
90. Castellum-refuge, stronghold; Castra-camp, fortified place
91. Castus-pure, chaste
92. Catena-chain
93. Cauda-tail
94. Causa-reason, motive, lawsuit; Recuso, recusare, recusavi, recusatum-
95. Caveo, cavere, cavi, cautum-beware of, take care
96. Cavus-hollow; Cavea-coop, hive, stall, dungeon
97. Cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum-go, move, yield, withdraw
98. Celer-swift, speedy
99. Celo, celare, celavi, celatum-hide; Cella-storeroom, chamber; Color-that  
      which covers, hue
100. Censeo, censere, censui, censum-assess, judge, rate
101. Centrum-center; Kentein (Gr.)-to prick; Kentron (Gr.)-sharp point, center
102. Centum-100
103. Cerebrum-brain
104. Cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum-sift, discern, perceive, decide, separate;  
     Crimen, criminis-judgment, crime
105. Certo, certare, certavi-compete, strive, contend, fight
106. Certus-sure
107. Charta-sheet of paper; Chartes (Gr.)-a leaf of paper
108. Chimicus-alchemist; Alchimia-alchemy
109. Cifra-zero/Zephirum-nothing
110. Cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctum-gird, surround, beleageur
111. Circum-around, about; Circus-ring; Kirkos (Gr.)-ring
112. Cito, citare, citavi, citatum-cite, summon, encourage, excite
113. Civis-citizen
114. Clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatum-shout, call out
115. Clarus-clear, bright
116. Classis-class of the Roman people, fleet
117. Claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum-shut, close
118. Clavis-key
119. Clementia-mercy, mildness, calmness
120. Clivus-slope, hill
121. Codex, codicis-ancient book
122. Cohors, cohortis-enclosed yard, courtyard, retinue; Hortus-garden
123. Collum-neck
124. Colo, colare, colavi, colatum-strain, filter
125. Colo, colere, colui, cultum-cultivate, pursue, revere, worship, till, inhabit
126. Columna-projecting object, column; Culmen, culminis-top, summit
127. Communis-common, public, general
128. Concilium-council
129. Condo, condere, condidi, conditum-hide, put away
130. Congruo, congruere, congrui-come together, agree, suit, accord
131. Contra-opposite, against
132. Copia-plenty, profusion; Ops-wealth, abundance
133. Coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum-cook; Culina-kitchen
134. Cor, cordis-heart
135. Corium-leather
136. Cornu-horn
137. Corona-crown, wreath; Koronos (Gr.)-curved
138. Corpus, corporis-body
139. Cortex, corticis-bark, rind, shell, husk
140. Costa-rib, flank, side
141. Crassus-thick, stupid, fat
142. Cratis-lattice, wickerwork hurdle
143. Credo, credere, credidi, creditum-believe, trust
144. Creo, creare, creavi, creatum-make, create, produce, cause; Sincerus-
pure, clean
145. Crepito, crepitare, crepitavi, crepitatum-rattle, clatter, rustle, creak;  
     Crepo, crepare, crepui, crepitum-burst, crack
146. Cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum-grow, arise, appear, increase
147. Croccus-hook
148. Crudus-bloody, raw, undigested, rough; Kreas (Gr.)-flesh, meat
149. Crusta-rind, shell, husk; Krystallos (Gr.)-ice, crystal
150. Crux, crucis-cross
151. Cubo, cubere, cubui, cubitum-lie down, lie asleep, recline at table, go to
152. Culpa-fault, blame
153. Culus-rump, backside
154. Cum-with, together, thoroughly
155. Cumulus-pile, heap
156. Cuneus-wedge
157. Cupa-barrel, vat, cask, tub
158. Cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitum-wish, want, desire, long for
159. Curo, curare, curavi, curatum-take care of, supervise
160. Curro, currere, cucurri, cursum-run
161. Curtus-shortened, short
162. Curvus-bent, curved; Varus-bent, grown awry
163. Cutis-skin
164. Damno, damnare, damnavi, damnatum-declare guilty; Damnum-loss,  
165. De-down, off, from, completely
166. Debeo, debere, debui-owe, ought
167. Decem-ten; Decimus-tenth; Deka (Gr.)-ten
168. Decet, decere, decuit-add grace to, adorn; Decoro, decorare, decoravi,  
decoratum-adorn, grace, glorify; Decorus-suitable, graceful, proper,
169. Deleo, delere, delevi, deletum-destroy, efface, wipe out
170. Dens, dentis-tooth
171. Densus-thick
172. Deus-god; Divus-divine, god; Zeus, Dios (Gr.)-Zeus; Iuppiter, Iovis-
Jupiter; Iulius-descended from Jupiter
173. Dexter, dextra-right
174. Dico, dicere, dixi, dictum-say, tell; Dico, dicare, dicavi, dicatum-proclaim
175. Dies-day
176. Digitus-finger
177. Dignus-worthy, deserving
178. Dis-apart, not, away from, reversal
179. Disco, discere, didici-learn; Discipulus-student
180. Divido, dividere, divisi, divisum-to separate a whole into parts, divide
181. Do, dare, dedi, datum-give; Dos, dotis-dowry; Donum-gift; Didonai (Gr.)-
give; Dosis (Gr.)-something given
182. Doceo, docere, docui, doctum-teach
183. Doleo, dolere, dolui-feel pain, grieve, suffer; Deleter (Gr.)-destroyer
184. Dominus-master; Domina-mistress (of a family)
185. Domo, domare, domavi, domatum-tame, subdue; Daman (Gr.)-tame
186. Domus-house; Doma (Gr.)-house
187. Dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitum-sleep
188. Dorsum-back
189. Draco, draconis-dragon, snake, serpent; Drakon (Gr.)-dragon
190. Drama, dramatis-play, drama
191. Dubium-doubt; Dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatum-doubt, hesitate
192. Duco, ducere, duxi, ductum-lead; Dux, ducis-leader; Educo, educare,
      educavi, educatum-bring up, nurture, rear
193. Dulcis-sweet
194. Duo-two; Dyo (Gr.)-two
195. Duro, durare, duravi, duratum-make hard, continue in existence
196. Ebrius-drunk; Sobrius-sober, sensible, temperate
197. Edo, edere, edi, esum-eat
198. Ego-I
199. Elementum-component, ingredient, particle, rudiment, beginning
200. Emo, emere, emi, emptum-buy, take, gain; Exemplum-example
201. Eo, ire, ii, itum-go; Initium-beginning, entrance; Iter, itineris-journey;
     Comes, comitis-companion
202. Equus-horse
203. Erro, errare, erravi, erratum-wander, err, make a mistake
204. Ex-out of, from, intensive
205. Excello, excellere, excellui, excelsum-to stand up prominently, to be
      eminent, to distinguish oneself
206. Experior, experiri, expertus sum-try, test, attempt; Periculum-
experience, danger, attempt; Peiran (Gr.)-attempt, attack
207. Extra-beyond, outside; Exter-outward
208. Fabrica-art, craft, workshop; Faber, fabri-smith, artisan, workman
209. Facies-face, surface
210. Facio, facere, feci, factum-make, do; Facilis-easy; Officium-duty
211. Fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsum-trick, deceive
212. Fama-reputation, rumor, report
213. Familia-family
214. Far, farris-grain; Farina-meal, flour
215. Fascis-bundle
216. Fateor, fateri, fassus sum-confess, admit, acknowledge
217. Fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatum-weary, tire
218. Fatuus-foolish, silly, insipid
219. Faveo, favere, favi, fautum-to be well-disposed towards, to support, to
220. Febris-fever
221. Felix, felicis-happy, lucky
222. Femina-woman; Fetus-pregnancy, offspring; Fecundus-fruitful
223. Fendo, fendere, fendi, fensum-ward off, strike
224. Fero, ferre, tuli, latum-bear, carry
225. Ferrum-iron
226. Ferus-wild, savage, cruel
227. Ferveo, fervere, fervui-to boil, be hot; Fermentum-yeast
228. Festum-a feast; Feriae-holidays; Fanum-temple
229. Fides-trust, faith; Foedus, foederis-treaty, league
230. Figo, figere, fixi, fixum-fasten, fix
231. Filia-daughter; Filius-son
232. Filum-thread
233. Findo, findere, fidi, fissum-cleave, split
234. Fingo, fingere, finxi, fictum-pretend, invent, forge, shape; Figura-form,  
235. Finis-end, boundary, limit
236. Firmus-strong, stable, immovable
237. Fiscus-purse, treasury
238. Flagro, flagrare, flagravi, flagratum-burn
239. Flamma-flame; Phlegein (Gr.)-to burn
240. Flecto, flectere, flexi, flectum-bend
241. Fleo, flere, flevi, fletum-weep, bewail, lament; Flebilis-lamentable,
      doleful, pathetic
242. Fligo, fligere, flixi, flictum-strike
243. Flo, flare, flavi, flatum-blow
244. Flos, floris-flower
245. Fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum-flow
246. Focus-hearth, fireplace
247. Folium-leaf
248. Follis-bellows, inflated ball, windbag
249. For, fari, fatus sum-speak, talk, say; Fabula-story
250. Forma-shape
251. Fortis-strong
252. Fortuna-luck, chance; Fortuitus-happening by chance, accidental
253. Forum-forum, marketplace; Foris-out of doors, outside; Foras-outside
254. Frango, frangere, fregi, fractum-break
255. Frater, fratris-brother
256. Frendo, frendere, frendui, fresum-grind; Frenum-bridle, check
257. Frequens, frequentis-crowded, repeated, constant
258. Frigeo, frigere-to be cold
259. Frons, frontis-forehead
260. Fructus-fruit, enjoyment; Frux, frugis-fruit; Frugi-thrifty, honest,  
261. Fugio, fugere, fugi-flee
262. Fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi-shine, flash; Fulgur-lightning; Fulmen, fulminis-
lightning that strikes
263. Fumus-smoke
264. Fundo, fundere, fudi, fusum-pour, melt
265. Fundus-bottom
266. Fungor, fungi, functus sum-perform
267. Funus, funeris-funeral
268. Fur-thief
269. Furca-fork
270. Furo, furere, furui-rage, be mad or furious
271. Fustis-club; Confuto, confutare, confutavi, confutatum-restrain,
diminish, check; Refuto, refutare, refutavi, refutatum-check, suppress,  
272. Gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum-rejoice
273. Gelo, gelare, gelavi, gelatum-freeze, turn to ice; Gelu-frost, ice, snow, cold
274. Gemma-bud, gem
275. Gemini-twins
276. Gens, gentis-clan, tribe, nation, people
277. Gero, gerere, gessi, gestum-bear, bring, carry, wear, achieve, perform
278. Gigno, gignere, genui, genitum-bring forth; Genius-innate quality, inborn  
talent, guardian spirit; Genus, generis-kind, class, birth, kin; Germen,  
germinis-shoot, bud, embryo; Praegnas-pregnant; Genesis (Gr.)-birth,  
beginning; Gonos (Gr.)-child, procreation, seed; Genos, genea (Gr.)-race,
family; -genes (Gr.)-born
279. Glacies-ice
280. Gladius-sword
281. Globus-sphere
282. Glomus, glomeris-ball-shaped mass
283. Gloria-glory
284. Gluten, glutinis-glue
285. Gluttio, gluttire, glutii, glutitum-swallow, gulp down
286. Gnosco, gnoscere, gnovi, gnotum-get to know, find out; Nobilis-known,  
well known, famous, noble; Gignoskein (Gr.)-to know, think, judge;  
Gnosis (Gr.)-knowledge, inquiry; Gnomon (Gr.)-judge, interpreter  
287. Gradior, gradi, gressus sum-step, move; Gradus-step, degree
288. Grandis-great, old, grown up, lofty, powerful
289. Granum-grain, seed
290. Gratus-pleasing, beloved, dear, thankful, welcome
291. Gravis-heavy, serious
292. Grex, gregis-flock
293. Grossus-large, bulky, thick
294. Guberno, gubernare, gubernavi, gubernatum-steer a ship; govern
295. Gula-gullet, throat, appetite
296. Gusto, gustare, gustavi, gustatum-to taste; Gustus-taste
297. Gutta-drop
298. Guttur-gullet, throat, appetite
299. Habeo, habere, habui, habitum-have, hold, handle; Habito, habitare,  
habitavi, habitatum-dwell
300. Haereo, haerere, haesi, haesum-stick, cling
301. Halo, halare, halavi, halatum-to breathe
302. Herba-plant, grass
303. Heres-heir
304. Hilaris-cheerful
305. Homo, hominis-human being, man
306. Honor-honor, esteem, repute
307. Horreo, horrere, horrui-tremble, dread, shudder, bristle; Hirsutus-rough,  
hairy, shaggy
308. Hortor, hortari, hortatus sum-urge, encourage
309. Hospes, hospitis-guest, host
310. Humanus-pertaining to man, kind, refined
311. Humor-moisture, liquid, bodily fluid; Humeo, humere-be moist, be wet
312. Humus-the ground, earth; Humilis-low, lowly
313. Iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum-throw, lay; Iaceo, iacere, iacui-lie, be situated
314. Ianua-door; Ianus-god of doors, beginnings, and endings
315. Idem-same; Id-it
316. Ignis-fire
317. Ille, illa, illud-that
318. Imago, imaginis-image, likeness, idea; Aemulus-comparable with; Imitor,  
imitari, imitatus sum-copy, resemble
319. In-in, on, not, into
320. Index, indicis-forefinger
321. Infra-below; Infernus-lower
322. Instauro, instaurare, instauravi, instauratum-renew, repeat, restore;  
Restauro, restaurare, restauravi, restauratum-restore, rebuild
323. Insula-island
324. Integer, integra-whole, entire, untouched
325. Inter-between, within; Intimus-innermost; Intus-within; Enteron (Gr.)-
326. Intro-within; Intra-within, inside
327. Invito, invitare, invitavi, invitatum-invite, allure, entice, incite
328. Iocus-a jest, joke
329. Ira-anger; Iratus-angry
330. Irrito, irritare, irritavi, irritatum-provoke, annoy, excite, aggravate
331. Iterum-again
332. Iubilo, iubilare, iubilavi, iubilatum-raise a shout of joy, let out whoops
333. Iudex, iudicis-judge
334. Iugum-yoke
335. Iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctum-join; Iuxta-next to, beside
336. Iuppiter, Iovis-Roman supreme god
337. Ius, iuris-law, right; Iustus-just, equitable, lawful; Iuro, iurare, iuravi,  
338. Iuvenis-young man; Iuno, Iunonis-Roman goddess of marriage
339. Iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutum-help, delight
340. Labor-exertion, labor, toil
341. Labor, labi, lapsus sum-slip, fall
342. Lac, lactis-milk; Gala, galaktos (Gr.)-milk
343. Lacio, lacere-entice, inveigle, lure, deceive; Laqueus-snare, noose;  
Delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatum-delight
344. Lacrima-tear
345. Lacus-lake; Lacuna-hole, gap
346. Laedo, laedere, laesi, laesum-harm, hurt, strike
347. Langueo, languere-be sluggish, wilt, lack vigor
348. Lanx, lancis-one of the scales of a balance
349. Lapis, lapidis-stone
350. Largus-generous, bountiful, copious, ample, plentiful
351. Lassus-weary
352. Lateo, latere, latui-lie hidden, lurk
353. Latinus-Latin; Latium-the district in which Rome was situated
354. Latus, lateris-side, flank
355. Latus-wide
356. Laus, laudis-praise
357. Lavo, lavare, lavi, lautum-wash; Luo, luere, lui-wash, lave
358. Laxus-slack, loose
359. Lego, legare, legavi, legatum-bind, choose, send, appoint, bequeath,  
360. Lego, legere, legi, lectum-read, choose, collect; Intellego, intellegere,  
intellexi, intellectum-understand
361. Lenio, lenire, lenii, lenitum-mitigate, allay, ease; Lenis-smooth, soft, calm
362. Levis-light; Levo, levare, levavi, levatum-raise
363. Lex, legis-law
364. Liber-free
365. Liber, libri-book
366. Libra-balance, scales, Roman pound
367. Licet, licere, licuit-it is permitted, one may
368. Lignum-wood
369. Ligo, ligare, ligavi, ligatum-tie, bind
370. Limen, liminis-threshold
371. Limes, limitis-boundary, track
372. Lingua-tongue
373. Linquo, linquere, liqui-leave, abandon, forsake
374. Linum-flax, thread; Linea-line, string; Linon (Gr.)-flax
375. Liqueo, liquere, liqui-to flow, to be liquid
376. Liquis-awry
377. Littera-letter
378. Liveo, livere-be bluish, be discolored, be envious
379. Locus-place; Loco, locare, locavi, locatum-to place
380. Longus-long
381. Loquor, loqui, locutus sum-talk
382. Lubricus-oily, slippery, inconstant
383. Lucrum-gain, profit
384. Luctor, luctari, luctatus sum-struggle, fight against
385. Ludo, ludere, lusi, lusum-play, tease, trick
386. Lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctum-mourn, lament
387. Lumen, luminis-light
388. Luna-moon
389. Lupus-wolf
390. Lustro, lustrare, lustravi, lustratum-illumine, purify, brighten
391. Lux, lucis-light; Luceo, lucere, luxi-to shine
392. Luxus-luxury, soft-living, sumptuousness
393. Macula-spot, stain, mesh
394. Magister, magistri-ruler, leader
395. Magnus-large, great; Maior-larger, greater; Maximus-largest, greatest;  
Maiestas-greatness, authority
396. Magus-sorceror; Magicus-magical
397. Malleus-hammer
398. Malus-bad, evil
399. Mamma-breast, udder
400. Mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatum-order, entrust
401. Maneo, manere, mansi, mansum-stay, remain
402. Mantellum-cloak
403. Manus-hand
404. Mare-sea
405. Margo, marginis-border, edge
406. Mas-a male; Masculus-a male; Maritus-a husband; Marito, maritare,  
maritavi, maritatum-marry
407. Masca-mask, witch, specter
408. Mater, matris-mother; Materia-material, substance
409. Maturo, maturare, maturavi, maturatum-make ripe, hasten
410. Medeor, mederi-heal, cure, remedy; Medicus-doctor, physician
411. Meditor, meditari, meditatus sum-reflect upon, muse over, consider,  
      ponder, think over
412. Medius-middle; Medialis-of the middle; Dimidius-half
413. Mel-honey; Meli (Gr.)-honey
414. Melior-better
415. Membrum-a limb, part, portion, division
416. Memor-remembering, mindful; Memoria-memory
417. Mendum-fault, defect; Mendicus-beggar; Mendax, mendacis-lying, false
418. Mens, mentis-mind; Mentio, mentionis-remembrance; Reminiscor,  
reminisci-recall to mind; Commentum-interpretation; Mentor (Gr.)-
419. Meo, meare, meavi, meatum-pass, proceed
420. Mereo, merere, merui, meritum-earn, gain, deserve
421. Mergo, mergere, mersi, mersum-plunge, bury, drown
422. Merx, mercis-goods, trade, traffic; Mercurius-Roman god of traders and
travlers; Merces-price, reward
423. Metior, metiri, mensus sum-measure, traverse, estimate
424. Meus-my, mine
425. Migro, migrare, migravi, migratum-move, shift, pass into a new condition
426. Miles, militis-soldier
427. Mille-1000
428. Mineo, minere-lean forward, project, jut out, threaten
429. Minio, miniare, miniavi, miniatum-to color red with cinnabar
430. Ministro, ministrare, ministravi, ministratum-serve, act as a servant
431. Minor-smaller, lesser, younger; Minuo, minuere, minui, minutum-lessen;  
Minimum-smallest, least
432. Minor, minari, minatus-threaten
433. Miror, mirari, miratus sum-wonder at, be amazed at, admire; Mirabilis-
miraculous, marvelous
434.   Misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtum-blend, mingle, mix
435.  Miser-wretched
436.  Mitto, mittere, misi, missum-send
437.  Modus-measure, method, mode, manner, way, rhythm, moderation  
438. Moles-heap, mass; Molestus-troublesome
439. Mollis-soft; Malakos (Gr.)-soft
440.   Molo, molere, molui, molitum-grind (in a mill)
441.  Moneo, monere, monui, monitum-warn, advise, remind; Monstro,
monstrare, monstravi, monstratum-show, point out, teach; Monstrum-
monster, portent
442.  Mons, montis-mountain
443. Morbus-disease
444.  Mordeo, mordere, momordi, morsum-bite, sting, hurt, vex
445.  Moror, morari, moratus sum-delay, stay behind
446.  Mors, mortis-death; Morior, mori, mortuus sum-die, decay, fail
447.   Mos, moris-custom, habit, manner
448.   Moveo, movere, movi, motum-move; Mobilis-quick, active, inconstant
449.  Multus-much; Multi-many
450.  Mundus-world
451.  Munus, muneris-duty, function, gift, public service, public show;
Communis-common, public, general
452.  Murus-wall
453.   Mus, muris-mouse
454.  Muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatum-change, alter; Mutuus-in return, done  
in exchange, borrowed, reciprocal
455. Narro, narrare, narravi, narratum-tell, relate
456. Nascor, nasci, natus sum-to be born
457. Nasus-nose; Naris-nostril
458. Navis-ship
459. Nebula-mist, cloud
460. Necto, nectere, nexi, nexum-tie
461. Nego, negare, negavi, negatum-deny, say not
462. Neuter-neither
463. Nidus-nest
464. Niger, nigra-black
465. Nihil-nothing
466. Noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitum-harm; Neco, necare, necavi, necatum-kill;  
Noxa-injury, hurt, damage
467. Nodus-knot, rope, difficulty, intricacy
468. Nomen, nominis-name
469. Non-not
470. Norma-carpenter's square, pattern, standard
471. Noster, nostra, nostrum-our
472. Nota-mark, sign, letter, word
473. Novem-nine; Nonus-ninth
474. Novus-new
475. Nox, noctis-night
476. Nubes-cloud
477. Nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptum-marry, take a husband
478. Nullus-no, not any, none
479. Numerus-number
480. Nuntius-messenger
481. Nutrio, nutrire, nutrivi, nutritum-nourish, foster, bring up, suckle
482. Nux, nucis-nut
483.  Ob-to, toward, against, in the way
484.  Obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum-forget
485.  Obscurus-covered, dark
486.  Octo-eight; Okto (Gr.)-eight
487.  Oculus-eye
488.  Odium-hatred; Odi, odisse-I hate
489.  Oleo, olere, olui-to smell; Odor-smell
490.  Oleum-oil; Elaia (Gr.)-olive
491.  Omen, ominis-sign, augury
492.  Omnis-all
493.  Onus, oneris-burden, load
494.  Operio, operire, operui, opertum-cover over, shut, conceal
495.  Opto, optare, optavi, optatum-wish, choose; Optimus-best
496.  Opus, operis-work
497.  Orbis-circle
498.  Ordo, ordinis-order, row, series
499.  Orior, oriri, ortus sum-rise, begin, be born
500.  Orno, ornare, ornavi, ornatum-decorate, adorn
501.  Os, oris-mouth; Oro, orare, oravi, oratum-speak, plead, pray
502.  Os, ossis-bone
503.  Ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentum-show
504.  Otium-leisure
505.  Ovum-egg
506.  Paene-almost
507.  Palatium-Palatine Hill, Roman imperial residence
508.  Palleo, pallere, pallui-to be pale, fade; Pallidus-pale
509.  Pallium-cloak
510.  Palpo, palpare, palpavi, palpatum-stroke, caress, touch
511.  Pando, pandere, pandi, passum (pansum)-spread out, extend, reveal;  
 Passus-step, pace
512.  Pango, pangere, pepigi, pactum-fix, fasten, drive in; Palus-stake fixed in  
 the ground; Pala-spade; Pagina-trellis to which a row of vines is fixed;  
 Pagus-stake stuck in the ground as a landmark; Propago, propagare,  
 propagavi, propagatum-propagate, fix before
513.  Panis-bread
514.  Par-equal; Parisos (Gr.)-almost equal
515.  Pario, parere, peperi, partum-give birth, produce, come to sight, show;  
 Parens, parentis-parent
516.  Paro, parare, paravi, paratum-prepare, obtain, make ready; Imperium-
517.  Pars, partis-part; Portio, portionis-part
518.  Pasco, pascere, pavi, pastum-feed, pasture, nurture; Pastor-shepherd
519.  Pasta-dough, paste
520.  Pateo, patere, patui-be open, be visible, be accessible; Patane (Gr.)-plate,  
 dish, something spread out
521.  Pater, patris-father; Patria-fatherland; Pater, patrou (Gr.)-father
522.  Patior, pati, passus sum-suffer, endure
523.  Pauci-few
524.  Pauper-poor
525.  Pax, pacis-peace; Paciscor, pacisci, pactus sum-agree, make a bargain
526.  Pecco, peccare, peccavi, peccatum-stumble, sin
527.  Pectus, pectoris-chest
528.  Pecunia-money; Pecus-cattle, property
529.  Peior-worse; Pessimus-worst
530.  Pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsum-push; Appello, appellare, appellavi,  
 appellatum-call upon, entreat
531.  Pendeo, pendere, pependi, pensum-hang, weigh; Pondero, ponderare,  
 ponderavi, ponderatum-weigh, ponder
532.  Penetro, penetrare, penetravi, penetratum-pierce, gain entrance
533.  Penna-feather, wing; Pinna-feather, wing
534.  Per-through
535.  Pes, pedis-foot
536.  Pestis-pest, rascal, plague
537.  Peto, petere, petivi, petitum-seek, attack, aim at, beg
538.  Picco, piccare, piccavi, piccatum-pierce
539.  Pila-pillar
540.  Pilus-hair; Pileus-felt cap; Pilos (Gr.)-felt, felt cap
541.  Pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictum-paint, embellish
542.  Pipo, pipare-chirp, peep
543.  Piscis-fish
544.  Pius-devoted; Pietas-dutiful conduct, tenderness
545.  Placeo, placere, placui-please, suit
546.  Plango, plangere, planxi, planctum-strike, beat, mourn for; Plessein,  
 plexa, peplega (Gr.)-to beat, strike
547.  Planta-sole of the foot, plant; Planto, plantare, plantavi, plantatum-to
 drive in with the sole of the foot, plant
548.  Planus-flat
549.  Plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausum-applaud, clap, strike, beat
550.  Plebs-common people
551.  Plenus-full; Plethein (Gr.)-to be full
552.  Pleo, plere-fill, fill up; Pleon, pleion (Gr.)-more
553.  Plico, plicare, plicavi, plicatum-fold, bend, twine, coil; Plecto, plectere,  
 plexi, plectum-weave, entwine, plait; Plekein, eplexa (Gr.)-plait, twine
554.  Ploro, plorare, ploravi, ploratum-weep over, wail
555.  Plumbum-lead
556.  Plus, pluris-more
557.  Polio, polire, polii, politum-smooth, polish, refine
558.   Pomum-apple, fruit
559.  Pono, ponere, posui, positum-put, place; Pausa-pause; Pauein (Gr.)-
     to stop, bring to an end
560.  Pons, pontis-bridge
561.  Populus-people
562.  Porcus-hog, pig
563.  Porta-gate, entrance; Portus-harbor, port
564.  Porto, portare, portavi, portatum-carry
565.  Possum, posse, potui-be able, can; Potens, potentis-power; Potis-
 possible, able to
566.  Post-after, behind, back
567.  Poto, potare, potavi, potatum-to drink; Potio, potionis-drink; Poton (Gr.)-
568.  Prae-before, in front
569.  Praeda-booty
570.  Praeter-past, by, beyond
571.  Precor, precari, precatus sum-pray, entreat; Prex, precis-prayer
572.  Prehendo, prehendere, prehendi, prehensum-seize hold of, seize in the  
573.  Premo, premere, pressi, pressum-press
574.  Pretium-value, worth, price
575.  Primus-foremost, first, chief
576.  Prior-former, previous, in front
577.  Privus-single, individual
578.  Pro-for, on behalf of, forward, before, instead of
579.  Probo, probare, probavi, probatum-prove, test, approve
580.  Proles-offspring, progeny
581.  Prope-near
582.  Proprius-one's own, personal, special, proper
583.  Provincia-government, province, administration
584.  Proximus-nearest, next
585.  Pudeo, pudere, pudui, puditum-be ashamed
586.  Puer-boy, son
587.  Pugna-fight; Pugnus-fist
588.  Pullus-young animal
589.  Pulmo, pulmonis-lung
590.  Pungo, pungere, pupugi, punctum-point, stab
591.  Purus-clean, pure; Purgo, purgare, purgavi, purgatum-cleanse
592.  Pus, puris-foul matter from a sore
593.  Puter, putris-rotten, stinking, decaying
594.  Puto, putare, putavi, putatum-think, reckon, consider, judge, clear,  
595.  Quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum-seek, ask
596.  Qualis-of what kind
597.  Quantus-how many, how much
598.  Quartus-fourth
599.  Quasi-as if, practically, almost
600.  Quatio, quatere, quassi, quassum-shake, strike, shatter
601.  Quattuor-four; Quadrum-square; Quater-four times
602.  Queror, queri, questus sum-complain
603.  Qui-who, which; Quid-what, which
604.  Quies, quietis-quiet, rest
605.  Quinque-five; Quintus-fifth
606.  Quirito, quiritare-to make a public outcry over
607.  Quot-how many
608.  Radius-ray, staff
609.  Radix, radicis-root
610.  Rado, radere, rasi, rasum-scrape, scratch
611.  Ramus-branch
612.  Rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum-snatch, grab, seize
613.  Ratio, rationis-calculation, reason, judgment, method; Reor, reri, ratus  
 sum-suppose, think deem
614.  Re-back, again
615.  Redo, redare-to make ready
616.  Rego, regere, rexi, rectum-rule, guide, direct, keep straight; Regnum-
617.  Repo, repere, repsi, reptum-crawl, creep
618.  Res-thing, matter
619.  Rete, retis-net
620.  Retro-backward
621.  Rex, regis-king
622.  Rideo, ridere, risi, risum-laugh, smile
623.  Rigeo, rigere-be stiff, be numb
624.  Ripa-riverbank, shore
625.  Robustus-made of oak, hard, strong, firm; Robur, roboris-oak, strength
626.  Rodo, rodere, rosi, rosum-gnaw, eat away, chew; Rostrum-snout, beak
627.  Rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum-ask
628.  Roma-Rome; Romanus-Roman
629.  Rosa-rose
630.  Rota-wheel
631.  Ruber, rubra-red; Rubeus-red
632.  Rudis-coarse, untried, unskilled, awkward, uncultured, untaught
633.  Ruga-wrinkle, crease, small fold
634.  Rumen, ruminis-throat, gullet
635.  Rumpo, rumpere, rupi, ruptum-burst, rupture
636.  Rus, ruris-country
637.  Saccharum-sugar
638.  Sacer, sacra-sacred, holy; Os sacrum-holy bone
639.  Saeculum-age, world
640.  Sal-salt
641.  Salio, salire, salii, saltum-leap, spring forward, jump; Salto, saltare,  
 saltavi, saltatum-dance
642.  Salus, salutis-health, safety, greeting
643.  Salvus-safe
644.  Sanctus-holy
645.  Sanguis, sanguinis-blood
646.  Sanus-healthy, sound
647.  Sapio, sapere, sapii-taste, be wise; Sapiens, sapientis-wise, judicious
648.  Satis-enough; Satur-full of food, sated
649.  Saturnus-Saturn
650.  Scala-ladder
651.  Scando, scandere, scandi, scansum-climb, scan verse; Skandalon (Gr.)-
 trap, snare, stumbling block, offense
652.  Scindo, scindere, scidi, scissum-split, cleave, tear apart, cut
653.  Scintilla-spark
654.  Scio, scire, scivi, scitum-know; Scientia-knowledge; Nescio, nescire,
     nescivi, nescitum-not know
655.  Scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum-write
656.  Scutum-shield
657.  Se, Sed-without, apart
658.  Seco, secare, secui, sectum-cut
659.  Sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum-sit; Sedo, sedare, sedavi, sedatum-settle,  
 calm, allay  
660.  Semen, seminis-seed; Sero, serere, sevi, satum-to sow, plant
661.  Semi-half
662.  Senex-old man
663.  Sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum-feel, sense, perceive, notice; Sententia-
 opinion, judgment, sentence
664.  Sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi, sepultum-bury
665.  Septem-seven
666.  Sequor, sequi, secutus sum-follow; Secundus-second, following; Secus-
 alongside of
667.  Sero, serere, serui, sertum-join, string together, connect; Sermo,  
 sermonis-speech, talk, conversation
668.  Servio, servire, servivi, servitum-wait on; Servus-slave
669.  Servo, servare, servavi, servatum-guard, keep, save, protect
670.  Severus-grave, strict, austere, stern
671.  Sex-six; Sextus-sixth
672.  Siccus-dry
673.  Sidus, sideris-star
674.  Signum-mark, seal, sign
675.  Silva-forest
676.  Similis-like; Simulo, simulare, simulavi, simulatum-pretend, copy,  
 imitate, to make like
677.  Simul-together, at the same time
678.  Sine-without
679.  Singulus-one by itself, one at a time, one by one
680.  Sinus-curve, fold, hollow
681.  Sisto, sistere, sti(e)ti, statum-stand firm, stand still, erect, place firmly
682.  Situs-positioned, situated
683.  Socius-companion, ally
684.  Sol-sun
685.  Soleo, solere, solitus sum-be in the habit of, be accustomed, use
686.  Solidus-solid, whole; Sollus-entire, whole; Sollicitus-troubled, worried;  
Sollemnis-established, traditional, customary
687.  Solor, solari, solatus sum-comfort, mitigate, relieve
688.  Solus-sole, alone, lonely
689.  Solvo, solvere, solvi, solutum-loosen, destroy
690.  Somnus-sleep; Somnium-dream; Sopor-sleep
691.  Sono, sonare, sonavi, sonatum-to sound; Sonus-sound;
     Persona-mask, role, character
692.  Sorbeo, sorbere, sorbui-suck up, soak up
693.  Soror-sister
694.  Sors, sortis-lot, fortune, condition, rank, class, order
695.  Spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsum-scatter, besprinkle
696.  Spatium-distance
697.  Specio, specere, spexi, spectum-see, observe, look, watch over; Species-a  
 seeing, kind, form, species
698.  Spero, sperare, speravi, speratum-hope, hope for
699.  Spira-a coil; Speira (Gr.)-a coil
700.  Spiro, spirare, spiravi, spiratum-breathe
701.  Splendidus-bright, shining
702.  Spondeo, spondere, spopondi, sponsum-pledge; Sponte-of one's own  
703.  Stagnum-a pool of standing water
704.  Stella-star
705.  Sterno, sternere, stravi, stratum-spread out, strew, extend; Stratum-
706.  Stilus-pointed instrument for writing
707.  Stilla-drop
708.  Stinguo, stinguere, stinxi, stinctum-quench, pierce, prick
709.  Sto, stare, steti, statum-stand; Histanai (Gr.)-place, cause to stand;  
 Statos (Gr.)-placed, standing
710.  Stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum-draw or tie tight, tighten
711.  Struo, struere, struxi, structum-build, construct
712.  Studeo, studere, studui-have zeal for, devote onself to
713.  Stupeo, stupere, stupui-becomed dazed, be amazed, be brainless
714.  Suadeo, suadere, suasi, suasum-advise, recommend, urge, make sweet;  
 Suavis-delightful, sweet
715.  Sub-under, from below
716.  Sudo, sudare, sudavi, sudatum-to sweat; Sudor-sweat
717.  Suesco, suescere, suevi, suetum-to accustom, get accustomed to
718.  Sum, esse, fui, futurus-be, exist
719.  Summus-extreme, highest, topmost, principal, chief
720.  Sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptum-to take up
721.  Suo, suere, sui, sutum-sew, stitch together
722.  Super-over, above; Supra-above, beyond
723.  Supino, supinare, supinavi, supinatum-to lay (a person) on her/his  
 back, turn up, tilt back
724.  Surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum-rise, get up
725.  Sus-hog, swine
726.  Tabula-board, plank, slate
727.  Taceo, tacere, tacui-be silent, be quiet
728.  Taedium-weariness, irksomeness, ennui
729.  Talea-a cutting
730.  Tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum-touch
731.  Tardus-slow
732.  Taurus-bull; Tauros (Gr.)-bull
733.  Tego, tegere, texi, tectum-cover, shield, conceal, protect; Tectum-roof;  
 Tegula-tile; Stegein (Gr.)-to cover
734.  Tempero, temperare, temperavi, temperatum-regulate, mix properly
735.  Tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatum-touch, feel, attack, urge, excite
736.  Tempus, temporis-time, side of the forehead
737.  Tendo, tendere, tetendi, tensum (tentum)-stretch
738.  Teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum-hold
739.  Tener-delicate, soft, young
740.   Tenuis-thin, narrow
741.  Terminus-boundary, end
742.  Tero, terere, trivi, tritum-rub, wear away
743.  Terra-earth, land
744.  Terreo, terrere, terrui, territum-scare
745.  Tertius-third
746.  Testis-witness
747.  Texo, texere, texui, textum-weave, plait, construct with care; Tela-web
748.  Timeo, timere, timui-fear, be afraid
749.  Tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctum-dye, wet, stain
750.  Titulus-label, title
751.  Tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum-raise, lift up, carry
752.  Tono, tonare, tonui, tonitum-thunder
753.  Torpeo, torpere-be stiff, be numb, be lethargic
754.  Torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortum-twist
755.  Torreo, torrere, torrui, tostum-parch, dry up, burn
756.  Totus-whole, entire
757.  Toxicum-poison
758.  Traho, trahere, traxi, tractum-draw, drag, pull
759.  Trans-across, through
760.  Tremo, tremere, tremui-shake, tremble
761.  Trepidus-alarmed, anxious
762.  Tres-three; Terni-three each, three; Treis, tris (Gr.)-three
763.  Tribus-tribe, division of the Roman people
764.  Tricor, tricari, tricatus sum-play tricks, entangle, make difficulties
765.  Trudo, trudere, trusi, trusum-thrust, push
766.  Trunco, truncare, truncavi, truncatum-cut, mutilate
767.  Tueor, tueri, tuitus (tutus) sum-protect, look after, keep safe
768.  Tumeo, tumere, tumui-swell; Tuber-lump, swelling; Tumulus-rounded  
 hill, mound, burial-mound
769.  Tundo, tundere, tutudi, tusum-beat, bruise, pulp, crush
770.  Turbo, turbare, turbavi, turbatum-disturb, confuse, trouble, muddy;  
 Turbo, turbinis-spinning top, whirlwind, whirl; Turbe (Gr.)-turmoil
771.   Turris-tower
772.   Ubi-where; Ubique-everywhere
773.  Ultra-beyond; Ultimus-last
774.  Umbra-shade
775.  Unda-wave
776.  Unguo, unguere, unxi, unctum-anoint, smear with oil
777.  Unus-one; Uncia-ounce, inch, twelfth part
778.  Urbs, urbis-city
779.  Utor, uti, usus sum-use
780.  Uxor-wife
781.  Vaco, vacare, vacavi-to be empty
782.  Vado, vadere, vasi-go, proceed, advance
783.  Vagor, vagari, vagatus sum-wander, roam, rove
784.  Valeo, valere, valui-be strong, be well, be of value
785.  Vallum-rampart, palisade
786.  Vanus-empty, hollow, illusory, vain
787.  Vapor-steam, exhalation; Vapidus-that has emitted steam, spoiled, flat
788.  Varius- diverse, different, manifold, varying, various
789.  Vas-dish, vessel
790.  Vassus-servant
791.  Vastus-desolate, laid waste, huge, enormous
792.  Veho, vehere, vexi, vectum-carry; Vexo, vexare, vexavi, vexatum-annoy,
     agitate, "set in motion"
793.  Vello, vellere, velli, vulsum-pluck, pull out, tear up; Vellico, vellicare,  
           vellicavi, vellicatum-twitch
794.  Velox, velocis-fast, swift
795.  Velum-sail, curtain, veil
796.  Vena-blood-vessel, vein of ore, vein
797.  Vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditum-sell; Venum-for sale
798.  Veneror, venerari, veneratus sum-worship, revere, honor; Venus,
 Veneris-goddess of love, beauty, love, charm; Venenum-love potion,  
799.  Venio, venire, veni, ventum-come
800.  Venter, ventris-belly, abdomen, stomach
801.  Ventus-wind
802.  Ver, veris-spring
803.  Verbum-word
804.  Vereor, vereri, veritus sum-fear, feel awe
805.  Vergo, vergere-incline, bend, sink
806.  Vermis-worm
807.  Verto, vertere, verti, versum-turn
808.  Verus-true
809.  Vestigium-footprint
810.  Vestis-garment
811.  Vetus, veteris-old, long-standing
812.  Via-road
813.  Vibro, vibrare, vibravi, vibratum-shake, vibrate
814.  Vicis-change, instead of
815.  Vicus-village, hamlet
816.  Video, videre, vidi, visum-see
817.  Vigeo, vigere, vigui-to be lively, active; Vigilo, vigilare, vigilavi, vigilatum-
     watch, be awake, be alert; Vegeo, vegere-to be lively, enliven
818.  Vilis-contemptible, mean, common, cheap, base
819.  Villa-farmhouse, house
820.  Vinco, vincere, vici, victum-conquer, win
821.  Vindex, vindicis-claim, avenger, surety, defender, revenge
822.  Vinum-wine
823.  Vir-man; Virtus-excellence
824.  Viridis-green
825.  Virus-slimy liquid, poison, stench
826.  Vis-force, power, energy, violence
827.  Viscera-entrails, internal organs
828.  Viscum-mistletoe, birdlime
829.  Vita-life; Vivus-living; Vivo, vivere, vixi, victum-live
830.  Vitium-flaw, defect, vice; Vitupero, vituperare, vituperavi, vituperatum-
 find fault with, criticize harshly
831.  Vitrum-glass
832.  Voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum-call; Vox, vocis-voice
833.  Volo, volare, volavi, volatum-fly
834.  Volo, velle, volui-wish, want; Voluptas-pleasure; Nolo, nolle, nolui-
     not wish, not want, refuse
835.  Volvo, volvere, volvi, volutum-roll, wrap up, turn round
836.  Voro, vorare, voravi, voratum-eat
837.  Voveo, vovere, vovi, votum-vow, pledge, wish
838.  Vulgo, vulgare, vulgavi, vulgatum-make common, publish
839.  Vulnus, vulneris-wound
发布于:2014-12-03 12:22
发布于:2014-12-05 14:20
发布于:2022-01-11 08:53
