

更多 发布于:2011-11-08 20:34

Sed tamen ex ipsa quaeram prius utrum me secum severe et graviter et prisce agere malit, an remisse et leniter et urbane. Si illo austero more ac modo, aliquis mihi ab inferis excitandus est ex barbatis illis, non hac barbula qua ista delectatur sed illa horrida quam in statuis antiquis atque imaginibus videmus, qui obiurget mulierum et qui pro me loquatur ne mihi ista forte suscenseat.

Exsistat igitur ex hac ipsa familia aliquis ac potissimum Caecus ille; minimum enim dolorem capiet qui istam non videbit. Qui profecto, si exstiterit, sic aget ac sic loquetur: ‘Mulier, quid tibi cum Caelio, quid cum homine adulescentulo, quid cum alieno? Cur aut tam familiaris fuisti ut aurum commodares, aut tam inimica ut venenum timeres? Non patrem tuum videras, non patruum, non avum, non proavum, non abavum, non atavum audieras consules fuisse; non denique modo te Q. Metelli matrimonium tenuisse sciebas, clarissimi ac fortissimi viri patriaeque amantissimi, qui simul ac pedem limine extulerat, omnis prope civis virtute, gloria, dignitate superabat? Cum ex amplissimo genere in familiam clarissimam nupsisses, cur tibi Caelius tam coniunctus fuit? cognatus, adfinis, viri tui familiaris? Nihil eorum. Quid igitur fuit nisi quaedam temeritas ac libido? Nonne te, si nostrae imagines viriles non commovebant, ne progenies quidem mea, Q. illa Claudia, aemulam domesticae laudis in gloria muliebri esse admonebat, non virgo illa Vestalis Claudia quae patrem complexa triumphantem ab inimico tribuno plebei de curru detrahi passa non est? Cur te fraterna vitia potius quam bona paterna et avita et usque a nobis cum in viris tum etiam in feminis repetita moverunt? Ideone ego pacem Pyrrhi diremi ut tu amorum turpissimorum cotidie foedera ferires, ideo aquam adduxi ut ea tu inceste uterere, ideo viam munivi ut eam tu alienis viris comitata celebrares?’
发布于:2012-06-29 19:48
Cicero-Pro Caelio-IV.part2.rarCicero-Pro Caelio-IV.part1.rar
发布于:2012-06-29 21:16
Nevertheless, I shall first ask the lady herself whether she prefers me to deal with her in the stern, serious, old-fashioned way or in the relaxed, soothing, urbane way. If she prefers the bleak manner and mode, I shall have to summon up someone from the dead, one of those bearded men, not the miserable little beard which she delights in but the shaggy sort we see in old statues and busts. I need someone to rebuke the woman and speak on my behalf in case she happens to flare up at me.
So let there appear someone from this very family, in particular the great Appius Claudius the Blind. He'll be the least upset because he won't be able to see her. Certainly, if he appears, this is how he'll deal with her, this is what he'll say: "Woman, what business have you with Caelius, with a mere stripling, with a stranger? Why have you been so intimate with him as to provide him with gold, or so hostile that you were afraid of being poisoned? Had you not seen that your father, had you not heard that your father's brother, your grandfather, your great-grandfather, your great-great-grandfather and your great-great-great-grandfather were consuls?" "Finally, did you not know that you were lately married to Quintus Metellus, a man of the utmost distinction, courage and patriotism? As soon as he stepped outside the threshold, he surpassed almost all citizens in virtue, renown and prestige. "Since you had married into a most illustrious family from one of the great nobility, why were you so closely linked with Caelius? Was he a blood relation, a connexion by marriage, a friend of your husband? None of those things. So what was the reason, except reckless lust? "If you were unmoved by the images of the men in our family, were you not prompted by that descendant of mine, the famous Quinta Claudia, to emulate her family renown in the arena of womanly honour? Were you not prompted by the great Vestal Virgin Claudia, who, by clasping her father tight in the course of his triumph, did not suffer him to be dragged down from his chariot by a hostile tribune of the people? "Why were you stirred by your brother's vices rather than by the virtues of your father and your forebears, which have been maintained from my own time not only by our men but by our women? Was it for this I tore up the peace with Pyrrhus, for you to strike bargains daily about your abominable love affairs?  Was it for this that I brought water to Rome, for you to bathe in it after your incestuous couplings? Was it for this that I built a highway, for you to frequent it with your retinue of other women's husbands?"
发布于:2014-12-03 12:23
发布于:2014-12-05 14:18
