
一个人的情景对话和厕所英语 (论坛3周年活动)

更多 发布于:2009-12-28 05:31
本帖最后由 quero-saber 于 2010-1-2 08:19 编辑




那时,身边有一个快译通,是出来之前妹妹的男朋友送给我的分别纪念,没有想到在这里它便成了我最好的英文老师和朋友,每天都装在口袋里,只要是闲暇时便打开来看看,特别是将要去哪里办事情之前,更是把自己要说的单词和句子找出来,然后背诵上若干遍。有时与人交谈想不起某个单词的时候,也拿出它来,输入汉字,然后让对方看相应的英文, 可惜那个快译通在07年的时候,不小心一杯茶洒在了上面,无法使用了。

人们说,学口语一定要多说,多与人交谈,我倒知道这是一条最好的学习说话的捷径,但在荷兰不像在国内时那样,可以交流或者是闲扯的朋友一抓一把,况且自己说话或许还不如一个英国幼儿,实在是很难找到经常能与之交谈的人,也不好意思去找,你是获得了锻炼但对方却因你而失去了时间。想来想去,最好的办法就是自己与自己对话,凭借想象,需要时自己可以组织扮演多个角色。 就这样,在闭门创作的闲暇时间里便开始时常自言自语,对话的内容从在邮局寄邮件,到去拜访其他的荷兰画家的画室,并于其一起吃午餐。。。。。。想想那时,真是用了所有的工作空隙去学习英语了,那个劲头好像当年要去应试高考一样,就连去厕所的时候也充分地利用了,我是有一个小癖好,如厕时喜欢随手拿着一本书,不管是什么书,只要是书就好,来欧洲以后,那时的书自然地变成了英语书或是那个快译通,时常是捧着书不自觉地坐到腿脚发麻才意识到应该出去了。


(选自本人的作品展示网站-日志 www.hanzhongnai.com )

One person's situational dialogue and toilet english

Student period, foreign languages I chose English, but tell the truth, for many years what I have learned, it is just dumb English, and the results was poor vigor. In order to advance access to exam questions, before the annual examinations, students from oil painting department, sculpture department and Chinese painting department, hid around the corner of English teacher’s home, if we found the teacher walk home, we swarm up and kidnapped him without any explanation run to a restaurant near the school, foods and wine were already on the table of course. Teacher surnamed Hao, his name was always hanging on our lips when the time close to the examination. Indeed, he is a very good English teacher and with a very kindly heart, after all, art academies specializing in those subjects related to arts, if the students could not be graduated just because the result of a foreign language, that is very regrettable.

"Come on! give me the book " Every time he said like this, straight to the point, face to our teacher in such an occasion and atmosphere, we did feel ashamed and embarrassed.

Dutch people speaking Dutch, but because the country is small, so foreign language education is universal, the general Dutch can speak English, German and some people also can speak French. At the beginning time to be here, eager to share feelings with others is very urgent, for that, I was trying to dig out all previously learned English.  At that time, no matter what kind of language, as long as I am not dumb like.

I had an Instant-Dict, it was a gift from my sister's boyfriend, did not expect it will become my best English teacher, I put it in my bag every day and start it whenever idle, especially before when I go somewhere for somethings, I need it to find out the words or sentences what I am going to say there, and then recite the words several times. Sometimes I need it when I talk to someone and could not  remember certain word, enter Chinese characters, show other side the corresponding English...... Unfortunately, that Instant-Dict was broken in 2007, by a spilled a cup of tea.

We say, learning spoken language, you must talking with people very often, I do know that is a shortcut of learning to speak, but was a bit difficult in that moment, I could find many friends to talk with in china, but here is not china,  Moreover, the English words I hold even may be not as good as a British child, in that case was difficult to find people who could be interviewed, but also embarrassed to ask someone, other hand, I get exercised, but let somebody lost the time, was feeling sorry to do that.  After much deliberation, the best way is to dialogue with myself, by virtue of imagination, when necessary I even can organize and play a multiple role. The contents of the dialogue from in post office sending a letter, to visiting a Dutch painter’s studio, and having lunch together. . . . . . I was really spending all the times besides painting  to learn English, and that momentum seems to have an university entrance examination. Even to the toilet, was also used for that……Tell you secretly, I have a small habit like reading books when going to the toilet, No matter what kind of books, as long as books like, after to live in Europe, the book becomes naturally English-language books or that Instant-Dict, often unconsciously, out of the toilet with numb legs.

Perhaps, only those people who depressed about Language barriers can get such power.


发布于:2010-01-31 15:57
回复 1# quero-saber

Graecia capta ferum cepit captorem et artes. Intulit agristi Latio... ( Horatius )
发布于:2012-09-30 11:27
